From Beards to Balloons: 17 Strange Phobias You Won’t Believe Are Real

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Everyone has fears, but some are more unusual than others. While common phobias like fear of the dark or spiders are familiar to most, there are many strange and lesser-known phobias that can be just as distressing. Let’s dive into some of the oddest phobias out there and see how they impact those who experience them.

Ombrophobia: Fear of Rain

boy looking out at the rain
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Ombrophobia is a fear of rain, part of a group of “natural environment phobias” that includes fears of storms, snow, and wind. Studies show it’s sometimes more common among those with a background in meteorology, who are more aware of the potential dangers of severe weather.

Trypophobia: Fear of Clustered Holes

clustered holes
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Trypophobia is the fear of closely packed holes. A 2018 study in Frontiers in Psychiatry described a young girl who was terrified by everyday items with clustered holes, like aerated bread or Swiss cheese. Her fear was so intense that she once ran out of a restroom with perforated walls.

Pogonophobia: Fear of Beards

pogonophobia the fear of beards
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People with pogonophobia feel anxious or uncomfortable around beards. This can make social interactions challenging and affect daily activities.

Eisoptrophobia: Fear of Mirrors

looking in a mirror
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Eisoptrophobia is a deep fear of mirrors, particularly of one’s reflection. A 2014 case study detailed a 55-year-old woman who suffered from this phobia for over 30 years, severely affecting her mental health.

Phonophobia: Fear of Sound

fear of noises
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Phonophobia involves an irrational fear of normal everyday sounds. This can overlap with hyperacusis, where ordinary sounds are perceived as painfully loud and threatening.

Chaetophobia: Fear of Hair

pulling hair from a hairbrush
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Chaetophobia is a fear of hair, whether it’s washing it, cutting it, or even being around animals with fur. According to a 2022 article in the TNNMC Journal of Mental Health Nursing, this phobia can seriously impact personal hygiene and social life.

Myrmecophobia: Fear of Ants

ants swarming
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Myrmecophobia is a fear of ants, especially large numbers or swarms. This phobia can cause severe psychological and physical symptoms, including panic attacks, when anticipating or encountering ants.

Scriptophobia: Fear of Writing in Public

Scriptophobia Fear of Writing in Public
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Those with scriptophobia are terrified of writing in front of others. This fear often leads them to avoid any situation where they might need to write publicly.

Bananaphobia: Fear of Bananas

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Bananaphobia might sound odd, but it’s a real fear for some. The Daily Mail reported on a woman who couldn’t even be in the same room as a banana without feeling sick. She found significant improvement through psychotherapy, showing that even the most unusual fears can be treated.

Globophobia: Fear of Balloons

fear of balloons
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Globophobia is the fear of balloons, often triggered by their popping noise. According to a 2013 “British Medical Journal” article, this phobia can make social events with balloons very distressing for sufferers.

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: Fear of Long Words

long words
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Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, the fear of long words, often starts from negative experiences with difficult pronunciations and can be linked to dyslexia. The BBC explains that while the name is humorous, the fear is very real for those affected.

Vestiphobia: Fear of Clothing

fear of clothes
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Vestiphobia is the fear of clothing. Documented in a 2011 journal “Grand Rounds” case, this condition can involve specific types of apparel or a general discomfort with anything restricting. One instance involved a young recruit who felt acute panic wearing military gear, affecting his social life.

Alektorophobia: Fear of Chickens

chickens looking at camera
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Alektorophobia, the fear of chickens, can impact daily life significantly. A case from 2016 involved a young woman who became anxious around chickens due to a childhood incident. This phobia even made her uncomfortable eating chicken at restaurants.

Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of Peanut Butter Sticking

peanut butter
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Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. A 2008 article in “Food Bites” notes that for those affected, the texture triggers panic, making them avoid similar foods.

Phobophobia: Fear of Having a Phobia

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Phobophobia is the fear of developing a phobia. This creates a cycle of anxiety where individuals worry about experiencing fear itself. According to a 1983 study from The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, this meta-phobia can lead to intense distress and avoidance behaviors.

Taphophobia: Fear of Being Buried Alive

buried alive
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Taphophobia, the fear of being buried alive, dates back to the 1700s during the plague when premature burial was a real concern. Innovations like “safety coffins” and delayed burials were developed to ease these fears.

Omphalophobia: Fear of Belly Buttons

woman showing her bellybutton
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People with omphalophobia can’t stand the sight of belly buttons, feeling nauseous at even a glance. The Daily Mail reported on a medical student who used cognitive behavioral therapy to tackle this unusual phobia.

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close up of a severe looking amish woman
Image Credit: KatyKreates

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Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

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Katy Willis is a writer, master herbalist, master gardener, and certified canine nutritionist who has been writing since 2002. She’s finds joy in learning new and interesting things, and finds history, science, and nature endlessly fascinating.

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