
everyday science

Discover 17 Incredible Chemistry Secrets Hidden in Everyday Life

Chemistry is all around us, shaping our daily lives in ways we often don’t realize. From the food we eat to the air we breathe, chemical reactions and compounds are at work. Here are 17 amazing facts about the chemistry of everyday life that will spark your curiosity and wonder. 1. Water is a Unique […]

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The Hidden World of Sleep: 18 Fascinating Things Your Body Does While You Dream

Sleep is a mysterious and enchanting part of our lives, taking up roughly a third of our time on Earth. While we drift off into dreamland, our bodies continue to work behind the scenes, carrying out a variety of crucial functions that keep us healthy, happy, and ready to face the challenges of a new

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Think Again: 12 Brain Myths You Shouldn’t Fall For

The human brain is a fascinating and complex organ that has captivated scientists and curious minds for centuries. Despite the wealth of research and knowledge we have accumulated about the brain, many misconceptions and myths still persist in popular culture. These myths can lead to misunderstandings about how our brains function and how we can

Think Again: 12 Brain Myths You Shouldn’t Fall For Read More »

Why Do We Dream? 10 Latest Theories in Neuroscience

Dreams have always been a fascinating and mysterious aspect of our lives. We spend about one-third of our lives sleeping, and a significant portion of that time is spent dreaming. But why do we dream? What purpose do these often bizarre and surreal experiences serve? Scientists have been studying dreams for centuries, and while we

Why Do We Dream? 10 Latest Theories in Neuroscience Read More »

scientist taking a selfi with a t. rex

24 De-extinction Facts That Prove Science Fiction Is Becoming Science Fact

De-extinction, or the process of bringing extinct species back to life, has been a topic of fascination for many people, even before Jurassic Park hit the cinemas. While the idea of a real-life Jurassic Park is still far from reality, scientists are making progress in this field every day. 1. De-extinction Is Not Just About

24 De-extinction Facts That Prove Science Fiction Is Becoming Science Fact Read More »

How Fast is Technology Growing? 12 Predictions for the Next 10 Years

Technology is growing at an incredible pace, and it’s changing the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. From smartphones and social media to artificial intelligence and robotics, we’ve seen some amazing advances in just the past few years. But what does the future hold? Here are 12 predictions for how

How Fast is Technology Growing? 12 Predictions for the Next 10 Years Read More »

microplastics in the ocean

Microplastics in the Ocean: Understanding the Scale and Impact

Microplastics are a pervasive issue in today’s oceans, affecting water quality, marine life, and risk to human health. These tiny plastic fragments, measuring less than five millimeters in length, stem from a variety of sources, including larger plastic debris that degrades over time and consumer products that contain microbeads. Due to their small size, microplastics

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science is cool

41 Science Facts That Prove Reality Is Wilder Than Your Wildest Dreams

Science is so much cooler than baking soda volcanoes and making slime (although slime is undeniably fun!). The planet and the universe is full of amazing and fascinating things. The human body alone is remarkable. So is nature, space, and computing. I could’ve written an endless list of cool science facts, but here are some

41 Science Facts That Prove Reality Is Wilder Than Your Wildest Dreams Read More »