
scientist taking a selfi with a t. rex

24 De-extinction Facts That Prove Science Fiction Is Becoming Science Fact

De-extinction, or the process of bringing extinct species back to life, has been a topic of fascination for many people, even before Jurassic Park hit the cinemas. While the idea of a real-life Jurassic Park is still far from reality, scientists are making progress in this field every day. 1. De-extinction Is Not Just About […]

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10 Largest Living Things in the World That Weren’t Dinosaurs

Have you ever wondered about the biggest animals that have roamed the Earth? While dinosaurs are often the first creatures that come to mind, there have been many other massive animals throughout history. From gentle giants of the ocean to towering land mammals, these incredible beings have captured our imaginations and reminded us of the

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12 Animals Whose Lifespan Will Make You Rethink Time

Have you ever wondered about the mysteries of life and the incredible diversity of the animal kingdom? From the tiniest insects to the largest mammals, every creature on Earth has its own unique story and journey through time. Some animals live for just a few hours, while others can survive for centuries, defying our understanding

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Sleeping Giants: 15 Volcanoes That Could Erupt and Change Everything

Volcanoes are some of the most powerful and awe-inspiring natural features on Earth. From their fiery eruptions to the creation of new land, they have captivated human beings for centuries. While many volcanoes are dormant or extinct, some are still active and could potentially erupt at any time. These 15 volcanoes are closely monitored due

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10 Unsolved Space Mysteries That Scientists Are Baffled By

Space is a vast and mysterious place, filled with countless wonders that continue to captivate our imaginations. Despite the incredible advancements in technology and scientific understanding, there are still many puzzling phenomena that leave even the brightest minds scratching their heads. From stran6ge signals originating from deep space to the perplexing behavior of celestial bodies,

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microplastics in the ocean

Microplastics in the Ocean: Understanding the Scale and Impact

Microplastics are a pervasive issue in today’s oceans, affecting water quality, marine life, and risk to human health. These tiny plastic fragments, measuring less than five millimeters in length, stem from a variety of sources, including larger plastic debris that degrades over time and consumer products that contain microbeads. Due to their small size, microplastics

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Pink Fairy Armadillo

Things You Didn’t Know About the Pink Fairy Armadillo

The pink fairy armadillo, or Chlamyphorus truncatus, is a unique animal native to central Argentina. Recognized as the smallest armadillo species, these nocturnal creatures have adapted to live in the desert environment. Sporting a striking pink shell and measuring only about 90-115 mm in length, they captivate the interest of scientists and wildlife enthusiasts. Their

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goblin shark

Everything You Ever Wanted to know About the Goblin Shark

The goblin shark, known scientifically as Mitsukurina owstoni, represents the sole living species of the family Mitsukurinidae within the order Lamniformes. It is often referred to as a “living fossil” due to its lineage dating back approximately 125 million years. Characterized by its distinctively elongated snout and protrusible jaws, the goblin shark has a peculiar appearance.

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