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Think You’ve Heard It All? 22 Things Mudflood Conspiracists Really Believe

Now, I’m not here to poke fun at the beliefs of other people, but mudflood theorists have an utterly fascinating system of beliefs that I think it’s worth exploring. These theories suggest that an ancient civilization and a catastrophic event, known as the Mudflood, reshaped our world, and that our accepted history is largely fake. […]

Think You’ve Heard It All? 22 Things Mudflood Conspiracists Really Believe Read More »

Meet Megaldon | 28 Astonishing Facts About the Most Fearsome Prehistoric Ocean Giant

Prehistory and the time of the dinosaurs is endlessly fascinating. It was a time when behemoths ruled the earth and the oceans, too. And megalodon is one of the most fearsome creatures so far discovered on land or sea. But what do we actually know about this incredible beast? It’s gotten a lot of bad

Meet Megaldon | 28 Astonishing Facts About the Most Fearsome Prehistoric Ocean Giant Read More »

26 Wild Theories on How the Zombie Apocalypse Could Actually Begin

Zombies roaming the streets, ending life as we know it, and infecting almost every human on the planet while a few isolated bands of human survivors do battle with the undead and each other. We’ve all seen the movies and the TV shows. Lots of us have read the books. (I’m currently re-reading Frank Tayell’s

26 Wild Theories on How the Zombie Apocalypse Could Actually Begin Read More »


From Vampires to Gorgons | 18 Movie Monsters Inspired By Rare Medical Conditions

Since recorded history began, every culture has had stories to explain the unexplainable, whether that’s the story of creation, the gods, and the universe, or weird anomalies of the human condition. A common theme in folklore is terrifying monsters, and, often, there are similarities in these tales across different cultures, locations, and time periods. Many

From Vampires to Gorgons | 18 Movie Monsters Inspired By Rare Medical Conditions Read More »

15 SHTF Scenarios You Haven’t Planned For But Should

As preppers, we pride ourselves on being ready for anything. But even the most prepared among us might overlook some potential disasters. It’s not always the obvious threats that catch us off guard. Sometimes, it’s the scenarios we never saw coming that pose the biggest challenges. This list explores 15 often-overlooked SHTF situations that deserve

15 SHTF Scenarios You Haven’t Planned For But Should Read More »

What Jurassic Park Got Wrong About Velociraptors and 24 Other Startling Truths About These Clever Predators

Velociraptors have captured our imagination since they burst onto the big screen in Jurassic Park. But how much of what we think we know about these prehistoric predators is actually true? Let’s dive into the fascinating world of velociraptors and uncover some surprising facts that might change the way you think about these ancient hunters.

What Jurassic Park Got Wrong About Velociraptors and 24 Other Startling Truths About These Clever Predators Read More »