Chantile Ferriera

Chantile has been obsessed with logic puzzles, jigsaws, and cryptograms since she was a kid. After learning she was taught how to play chess wrong by a family friend (so they could win), she joined her school chess club and the rest is history.

14 Practices Ancient Samurai Were Prohibited From Doing

The samurai, the warrior class of feudal Japan, lived by a strict code of conduct known as Bushido, or “the way of the warrior.” This code dictated their behavior, both in and out of combat, and emphasized virtues such as loyalty, honor, and discipline. There were many practices and activities that samurai were explicitly prohibited […]

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15 Times Jules Verne Predicted the Future with Eerie Accuracy

Jules Verne, often called the “Father of Science Fiction,” wrote novels in the 19th century that seemed to predict future technologies and discoveries with uncanny accuracy. Verne’s visionary ideas not only entertained readers but also provided a fascinating glimpse into future innovations. His ability to foresee technological advancements remains a testament to his imagination and

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Underground City

Underground Utopias: The Most Spectacular Underground Cities

Exploring underground cities is like stepping into a hidden world beneath our feet. These incredible places are not just caves or tunnels; they are full-fledged communities built beneath the surface of the Earth. From ancient times to modern-day marvels, these underground cities offer a glimpse into how people have adapted to their environments in extraordinary

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Math, Music, and Memory: Exploring the Surprising Connections

Mathematics, music, and memory may seem like disparate fields at first glance, but they share profound and surprising connections that are worth exploring. These connections not only deepen our understanding of each subject but also reveal insights into how our brains process and retain information. In this article, we’ll delve into how mathematical principles underpin

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21 Weird and Wonderful Creatures from the Depths of the Amazon

The Amazon Rainforest, one of the most biodiverse places on Earth, is home to countless strange and fascinating creatures. From the depths of its murky rivers to the tops of its towering trees, the Amazon shelters an incredible array of wildlife, some of which seem almost otherworldly. This list explores 21 of the most peculiar

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The Perks and Perils of Bringing Your Dog to Work

Taking your dog to work can be a delightful experience for both employees and employers, providing numerous benefits such as reduced stress, increased morale, and even cost savings on pet care. However, without careful supervision, the workplace can pose significant risks to pets, potentially leading to emergency veterinary visits. This article explores the joys and

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12 Mysterious Disappearances That Remain Unsolved

The world is full of mysteries, and some of the most intriguing are the disappearances that have baffled investigators and captivated the public for years. These cases continue to fascinate and mystify, reminding us that despite advancements in technology and investigative techniques, some mysteries may never be solved. Here are 12 mysterious disappearances that remain

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14 Weird Laws Around the World That Still Exist Today

Laws are meant to keep society orderly and safe, but some laws around the world are just plain bizarre. From unusual dress codes to strange restrictions on behavior, these weird laws are still on the books and can catch travelers by surprise. These strange laws might seem amusing, but they reflect cultural values and historical

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14 Astonishing Things You Didn’t Know About Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs are some of the most fascinating creatures to have ever walked the Earth. Despite being extinct for millions of years, they continue to capture our imagination with their incredible diversity and mysterious lifestyles. From their size and diet to their extinction, there are many surprising facts about these ancient giants. Let’s dive into fourteen

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10 Ancient Cities That Were Ahead of Their Time

Throughout history, certain cities have stood out as beacons of innovation and progress, far ahead of their contemporaries. These ancient cities were hubs of culture, technology, and societal advancements that continue to fascinate us today. From pioneering urban planning to early forms of democracy, these cities were truly remarkable. Let’s explore ten ancient cities that

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