
15 “Secret” Hiding Spots Burglars Always Check First

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Think your hiding spot is foolproof? Think again—burglars are wise to your tricks. I bet you’ve got some “secret” spots that you are convinced are perfectly safe for hiding your valuables. Unfortunately, I also bet many of them are on this list. Criminals aren’t as stupid as you might think.

Under the Mattress

Under the Mattress
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

Burglars often head straight for the master bedroom. The master bedroom is where you keep your clothes, jewelry, extra cash, basically anything valuable. Hiding things under the mattress is an old trick, so a thief will likely check there for hidden treasures. We’ve all heard stories of the crazy old aunt who kept all her world wealth stuffed under her mattress. It’s such a cliche because it is still super common, and criminals know this. 

Inside Children’s Toys

Inside Children's Toys
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

It might seem unlikely, but some people hide valuables in their children’s toy boxes or stuffed animals. Burglars know this and won’t hesitate to rummage through toys. To protect your valuables, avoid hiding them in places that are meant for playtime.


Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

If you think the freezer is a clever hiding spot, think again. A burglar might not search through all your frozen peas and fish sticks, but if your treasures are in something out of place, like a sock, they’ll find it. If you hide something in the freezer, put it in a container that looks legitimate, like a bag or box that previously held food. Use the same strategy for hiding things in the pantry. Just make sure a loved one knows where to find them so your valuables don’t get thrown out with the food.

Portable Safe

Portable Safe
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

Locking up your valuables in a portable safe might seem smart, but it’s not effective if the safe isn’t attached to the floor or wall. A small, portable safe that’s locked, it’s easily moveable and is incredibly inviting to burglars. A heavy safe they can’t lift is a better choice since burglars aim to get in and out quickly.


Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

Your luggage might seem like a convenient storage option when you’re not traveling, but don’t keep irreplaceable items inside. Suitcases are common hiding spots, but they’re not secure. Criminals will check any suitcase they find in your closet. And, of course, you’ve filled a piece of luggage full of valuables, ready to just transport away.

Bedroom Closet

Bedroom Closet
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

Burglars might search through your entire closet, checking pockets for cash or valuables. If you must store valuables in your closet, put them in a box labeled with a boring name like “college textbooks 1980” or “baby clothes” to keep them out of sight.


Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

An empty vase might seem like a good hiding place, but burglars know this trick. They’ll probably tip the vase over or break it, hoping to find valuables inside. It’s smart to make it look like an actual, practical vase by putting silk flowers in it. 


Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

Burglars know about the trick of hollowed-out books or valuables tucked behind rows of books. They might pull books off the shelves to see if anything’s hidden. If you need to hide something on a bookshelf, choose a spot that’s not immediately obvious or use a different strategy altogether.


Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

People sometimes hide valuables in the garage, thinking it’s less likely to be searched. However, burglars often check this area, looking through toolboxes, storage bins, and even behind loose panels. Keep valuables inside the house where they’re easier to secure.

Dresser Drawers

Dresser Drawers
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

While burglars are in your bedroom, they’ll likely check your dresser drawers. Even if you don’t keep jewelry in plain sight, they might look for a shoebox or unique box filled with watches, jewels, and other valuables. Instead of using an obvious box, try hiding your valuables in a sock. Choose a pair with a bright pattern so it stands out to you but doesn’t look suspicious to a thief.

Behind Wall Art

Behind Wall Art
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

Many people hide valuables behind paintings or framed photos, assuming they’re safe. However, burglars are aware of this trick. They might quickly lift wall art to see if there’s a safe or hidden compartment behind it. If you want to use this spot, consider securing the frame to the wall in a way that requires more effort to remove.

Pet Food Containers

Pet Food Containers
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

Hiding valuables in pet food containers might seem clever, but burglars have caught on to this trick. They might check any out-of-place or unusually heavy containers, hoping to find hidden treasures. If you choose this spot, make sure the container looks and feels completely normal.

Office Drawers

Office Drawers
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

Think twice before keeping important documents like birth certificates or passports in your office drawers. Many people label files clearly for convenience, which also makes it easy for burglars to find what they need to steal your identity. Secure sensitive information in a locked drawer to keep it safe.

Liquor Cabinet

Liquor Cabinet
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

Your liquor cabinet might seem like a clever hiding place, but it’s far from secure. It’s a magnet for teenagers searching for alcohol. Losing a bottle of whiskey might not be a big deal, but you certainly don’t want to risk losing valuable heirlooms stored alongside it.

Medicine Cabinet

Medicine Cabinet
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

Thieves often look for quick cash by checking your medicine cabinet for prescription pills they can sell. Be cautious about what you store nearby. Avoid keeping valuable items close to medications. Hiding jewels in an old pill container might seem clever, but it could actually make them a target.

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Katy Willis is a writer, master herbalist, master gardener, and certified canine nutritionist who has been writing since 2002. She’s finds joy in learning new and interesting things, and finds history, science, and nature endlessly fascinating.

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