Jack the ripper

18 Mysteries From History That Still Baffle Experts

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Will we ever uncover Cleopatra’s final resting place or the secrets of the Ark of the Covenant? Some historical mysteries may stay hidden forever.

From the true assassin of JFK to the fate of the Mary Celeste’s crew, these unsolved puzzles keep us guessing. Historians have been trying to solve these mysteries for years, often stumped by lost evidence or scattered clues.

The intrigue of these enigmas keeps our curiosity alive. We love to theorize and wonder about the same puzzles that confound experts and enthusiasts alike.

The Lost Colony of Roanoke

Wood carving of the lost Roanoake colony
Image Credit: The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Picture Collection, The New York Public Library. (1876). The deserted colony of Roanoke Retrieved from https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47e0-f2ec-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99

In 1587, John White led a British expedition to establish a colony on Roanoke Island, now in North Carolina. When White returned three years later with supplies, he found the colony deserted. The only clue was the word “Croatoan” carved into a post, hinting they might have moved to Croatoan Island, now Hatteras.

Theories about the colonists’ fate range from massacre by the Powhatan tribe to assimilation with local tribes. However, without conclusive evidence like DNA, the mystery of Roanoke remains unsolved.

The Wow! Signal

Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney.

In 1977, astronomer Jerry Ehman detected a strong radio signal from outer space while working on a SETI project at Ohio State University. The 72-second signal, coming from the direction of the constellation Sagittarius, was so unusual that Ehman wrote “Wow!” next to the data, giving it its name. Despite many attempts to locate the signal again, it has never been detected, leaving scientists to wonder whether it was a natural cosmic event or a signal from an extraterrestrial civilization.

Where is Jimmy Hoffa?

Jimmy Hoffa
Image Credit: Public Domain Image via Wiki Commons.

Jimmy Hoffa, the infamous teamster leader with alleged mafia connections, disappeared in 1975 in Oakland County, Michigan. Despite extensive searches in Detroit and Oakland County, his body and the identity of his possible murderer remain unknown.

One popular theory suggested Hoffa was buried under Giants Stadium, but this was disproven. Recent FBI digs in 2021 at a New Jersey landfill based on a deathbed confession also yielded no evidence. The mystery of Hoffa’s fate remains unsolved, with conflicting confessions and hearsay adding layers to the enigma.

Where Is Cleopatra’s Tomb?

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Historical texts say Cleopatra VII was buried with her consort, Mark Antony, in a grand tomb near a temple dedicated to Isis. Ancient historian Plutarch described it as majestic and filled with riches, but it has never been found.

In 2010, archaeologist Zahi Hawass explored the Taposiris Magna site near Alexandria, dating back to Cleopatra’s time. Despite many discoveries, Cleopatra’s tomb was not among them. Even if her tomb remains intact, it might be hidden or unrecognizable due to historical plundering.

Where Is the Holy Grail?

Holy grail
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The Holy Grail, often depicted as the cup from which Jesus drank during the Last Supper, remains a blend of legend and lore with no concrete evidence of its existence.

Popularized by Arthurian tales and movies like “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,” the Grail symbolizes ultimate quests and adventures. Despite its iconic status, the Holy Grail is more likely to stay in the realm of fiction than be discovered.

Who Was Jack the Ripper?

Jack the ripper
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

In 1888, Jack the Ripper committed a series of gruesome murders in London, targeting at least five women and leaving their bodies mutilated. The case gained notoriety not only for its brutality but also because of the taunting letters sent to the police, supposedly from the Ripper himself, though their authenticity is debated.

Despite many suspects being suggested over the years, the true identity of Jack the Ripper remains a mystery. In 2012, John Morris’s book “Jack The Ripper: The Hand Of A Woman” proposed that Lizzie Williams might be the Ripper, but skepticism remains high. We may never know who Jack the Ripper truly was.

The Disappearance of Amelia Earhart

Image Credit: Underwood & Underwood – Public Domain Image/Wiki Commons.

Amelia Earhart, the famous aviator, vanished over the Pacific Ocean in 1937 during an attempt to circumnavigate the globe. Despite extensive searches, neither Earhart nor her plane has ever been found. Numerous theories suggest she crashed and sank, was captured by the Japanese, or landed on an uninhabited island. Each theory has its supporters and detractors, but the true fate of Amelia Earhart remains one of aviation’s greatest unsolved mysteries.

The Mystery of the Dancing Plague

Image Credit: Pieter Brueghel the Elder – Public Domain Image/Wiki Commons.

In 1518, residents of Strasbourg, France, were struck by a bizarre and terrifying phenomenon: the Dancing Plague. Hundreds of people danced uncontrollably for days, with some dancing to their deaths from exhaustion or heart attack. The cause remains unknown, with theories ranging from mass hysteria to ergot poisoning, a toxic mold that grows on damp rye. Despite various explanations, the true reason behind this mysterious event is still debated.

What is the Voynich Manuscript?

Voynich Manuscript
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The Voynich Manuscript, a book from the 1400s written in an unknown language and featuring drawings of nonexistent plants, remains one of the most baffling ancient texts. Despite extensive study, its origins and purpose—possibly a medical guide—are still unclear.

The manuscript’s mystery is compounded by theories of modern forgery and other hoaxes, yet carbon dating suggests its secrets are genuine and still undeciphered.

Is There a City of Atlantis?

City of Atlantis
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Plato’s tales from the fourth century B.C. describe Atlantis as a powerful land in the Atlantic that conquered parts of Europe and Africa before sinking into the ocean. While most scholars don’t take these stories literally, some suggest the legend could be rooted in real events, such as those involving the ancient Minoan civilization on Crete.

The Minoans experienced upheaval due to the volcanic eruption at Thera and were later dominated by the Mycenaeans from mainland Greece. The true inspiration behind the Atlantis myth may always blend fact and fiction, remaining a mystery.

Who Killed JFK?

JFK plaque
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, remains one of the most significant mysteries in American history. Alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was killed by nightclub owner Jack Ruby before he could stand trial, fueling countless theories about conspiracies and cover-ups.

Officially, it’s believed Oswald acted alone, and Ruby also acted independently, supposedly to spare Jackie Kennedy the pain of a trial. However, doubt persists, with scholars and enthusiasts proposing various alternative theories. The real truth behind JFK’s assassination might never be known.

Were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon Real?

Hanging gardens of Babaylon
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Ancient scholars described the Hanging Gardens of Babylon as a marvel, yet their existence remains unconfirmed. Archaeological digs in Babylon have not uncovered evidence of these legendary gardens.

In 2013, researcher Stephanie Dalley suggested they might have been in Nineveh instead of Babylon. Ongoing conflicts and damage in the region may mean that the truth about the Hanging Gardens could be lost to history.

When Was Jesus Born?

representation of baby jesus
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The traditional date of December 25 for Jesus Christ’s birth is widely recognized but not based on historical evidence. It is thought to have been chosen to coincide with the Roman festival of Saturnalia.

Some scholars believe Jesus was actually born around 4 B.C., but the exact date remains speculative. Historical disagreements and the lack of contemporaneous records make this an enduring question in religious history.

How—and Why—Were the Olmec Heads Made?

Olmec heads
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The Olmec civilization, predating the Maya and the Aztecs, is famous for its colossal stone heads. These heads, carved from volcanic basalt, were transported over 50 miles, despite each weighing about 8 tons. This feat of early Mesoamerican engineering continues to puzzle archaeologists.

Were these heads portraits of leaders or something else? Theories include transportation via wooden rollers or rafts, but the true methods and reasons remain debated. The Olmecs’ artistry poses significant questions about their society and technology.

Fate of the Ark of the Covenant

ark of the covenant
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The Ark of the Covenant, a sacred chest built by the ancient Israelites, housed the tablets of the Ten Commandments. It vanished when Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylonian forces destroyed Jerusalem in 587 B.C.

Historical accounts vary: some suggest it was hidden or taken to Babylon, others that it was destroyed. Legends propose that the Ark could now be in Ethiopia or reappear with the coming of a messiah. Its fate is likely to stay a mystery, intertwined with faith and legend.

Was Caesarion Truly Caesar’s Son?

Julius Cesar
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Caesarion, born to Cleopatra VII in 47 B.C., was proclaimed the son of Julius Caesar. Cleopatra even made him co-ruler of Egypt. However, Caesar never officially recognized him as his heir, leading to debates about his paternity.

Gaius Oppius, a friend of Caesar, wrote a pamphlet refuting Caesarion’s lineage. The mystery deepened after the deaths of Cleopatra and Caesarion following their defeat by Octavian. Without DNA evidence, Caesarion’s true parentage may remain unresolved.

Is There a Money Pit on Oak Island?

Map of oak island
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

For over 200 years, the legend of a money pit on Oak Island in Nova Scotia has captivated treasure hunters, spurred by tales that pirate Captain William Kidd may have buried his loot there. Despite numerous expeditions and significant investments, no treasure has

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Katy Willis is a writer, master herbalist, master gardener, and certified canine nutritionist who has been writing since 2002. She’s finds joy in learning new and interesting things, and finds history, science, and nature endlessly fascinating.

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