12 of the Most Haunted Places in the World

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Ghost hunters are always looking for places where they can hear mysterious disembodied voices or glimpse a shadow figure or ghostly spirit. Fortunately, there’s plenty of places that are said to be haunted almost anywhere in the world. Even if you’re a non-believer, or not interested in anything paranormal, many of these places are worth a visit, for their beauty, architecture and history.

I’ve always had a love for everything historic, enjoy watching ghost hunter type shows and have an open mind for anything paranormal. With that in mind, I’ve put together a list of some of the most haunted places in the world.

Eastern State Penitentiary, USA

Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney.

The Eastern State Penitentiary was built in Pennsylvania in 1829. Originally, it was a prison and was the first prison to use solitary confinement, which was originally called the Pennsylvania System, as rehabilitation. Inmates would be completely alone and whenever one left his cell, a black hood was placed over his head to keep him isolated. This caused many prisoners to go insane.

People started reporting paranormal activity in the 40s, but activity has significantly increased since 1971 when the prison was abandoned. People have reported seeing shadow figures throughout the prison, a dark figure in the guard tower, other activity includes disembodied footsteps, an evil laugh in cell block 12, doors being banged and distant voices.

Paris Catacombs, France

Image Credit: (WT-shared) Riggwelter at wts.wikivoyage, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons.

Many people vacation in Paris, and there are plenty of good reasons. The Eiffel tower, Notre Dame Cathedral and the Arc de Triomphe, to name a few, and French food is delicious. But underneath the city lies something a little darker. 

The catacombs span hundreds of miles and were used in the 18th century during a public health crisis where over 6 million people needed to be buried. The mass grave is enough to send shivers down your spine. But there’s more. There’s an inscription at the entrance that reads Arrete, c’est ici l’empire de la mort! Which translates to This is the empire of death! People exploring the catacombs after midnight have reported hearing disembodied voices and seeing weird lights and orbs and apparitions.

Raynham Hall, England

Image Credit: Raynham Hall by Philip Halling, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Raynham Hall is a beautiful English country home, but it has a dark past. The hall is haunted by the Brown Lady. She’s thought to be Lady Dorothy Walpole. It’s said she was trapped in an unhappy marriage and sought comfort in the arms of another British aristocrat. 

The stories say that Lady Dorothy was locked in her room at Raynham Hall, either by the wife of her lover or her angry husband. In 1726, she died in her room. Her ghost is said to have been caught on camera and featured in the December 1936 edition of Country Life magazine.

The Valley of the Kings, Egypt

Image Credit: Nikola Smolenski, CC BY-SA 3.0 RS, via Wikimedia Commons

The Valley of the Kings is near Luxor, along the River Nile. It’s the burial ground for many pharaohs from around the 16th to the 11th century BC, making it one of the most important archaeological sites in the area. 

In 1922, the tomb of Tutankhamun, otherwise known as King Tut, was discovered by Lord Carnarvon, an English aristocrat. He later died of infection, sparking rumors of a pharaoh’s curse in the area. Visitors to the area have reported seeing a ghostly image of an Egyptian pharaoh in a chariot pulled by black ghost horses.

Waverly Hills Sanatorium, USA

Image Credit: Kris Arnold, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

The original Waverly Hills building was a two-story wooden structure that opened in 1910. That building was replaced in 1926 with a much larger, red brick building. During the early to mid-20th century, it was used as a tuberculosis hospital and it’s believed that about 63,000 patients died within its walls. 

With the amount of deaths, experimental procedures and mistreatment of patients, it’s no wonder the place is said to be haunted. Just some reports of paranormal activity in the sanatorium include shadow people, full body apparitions, disembodied screams, footsteps and voices and sudden cold areas.

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

Image Credit: Andrew Shiva / Wikipedia CC BY-SA 4.0

Edinburgh Castle sits on a piece of volcanic rock called Castle Rock. It’s one of the oldest fortified places in the UK and Europe. Building began in the 12 century and the castle has seen many historical figures including Mary Queen of Scots and Queen Margaret. Edinburgh Castle has a violent history, and it’s believed that the castle saw about 26 sieges.

There are many paranormal stories connected to Edinburgh Castle, but one of the most well known is the ghost of a piper boy who was sent through the castle tunnels and disappeared. People have reported hearing bagpipes while in the tunnels. There’s also a headless drummer who is said to appear when danger is nearby.

Bhangarh Fort, India

Image Credit: Navjot Singh, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

This is said to be one of the most haunted places in India. It’s in a valley about 30 miles from Jaipur. Stories say that a tantric priest fell in love with princess Ratnavati, who lived at the fort. She did not feel the same way, so he cast a spell that prevented everyone in the fort and nearby village from being reborn.

Another story says that a holy man ordered that the fort be built without casting a shadow over his home. Ratnavati’s step brother ignored the order and built a tower on the fort causing the holy man to curse the area and the people who lived there. Now, reports claim that ghosts of Ratnavati and the villagers can be seen roaming the area.

Chuuk Lagoon, Micronesia

Image Credit: User Aquaimages , CC BY-SA 2.5 , via Wikimedia Commons

Formerly known as Truk Lagoon, Chuuk Lagoon was a fortified base used by the Japanese navy in World War II. It was attacked by US forces in 1944. Planes, warships, railroad cars and tanks all sank to the bottom of the lagoon and are still there today, forming what is now known as the Ghost Fleet of Truk Lagoon. 

The lagoon is popular with divers and many have reported hearing ghostly sounds of engines, grinding metal and machinery. Others have reported hearing disembodied voices.

Castle of Good Hope, South Africa

Image Credit: steve_is_on_holiday via Canva.

Built in the 17th century, the Castle of Good Hope is South Africa’s oldest colonial building. It was originally used as a station for passing ships to replenish their supplies. The first report of paranormal activity was in 1915, when the ghost of a tall gentleman was seen on one of the castle’s ramparts. He wasn’t seen again until 1947.

Other visitors have reported a ghost of a lady in gray crying hysterically as she runs through the castle grounds. However, the reports stopped after a woman’s body was recently found during excavations.

The Stanley Hotel, USA

Image Credit: Amy Aletheia Cahill, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

The Stanley Hotel was the setting of Stephen King’s The Shining and it was his experience staying in room 217 at the hotel that inspired him to write the best-selling novel. This huge hotel opened in 1909 and was a luxury getaway for many famous figures, including President Theodore Roosevelt. 

There are many reported ghosts at the Stanley Hotel, including its original owner and his wife and a mysterious child. The most haunted room is room 217, which is said to be haunted by Mrs. Wilson, the spirit of a maid who worked in the hotel.

The Tower of London, England

Image Credit: Bob Collowan, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

One of my favorite places in London, the Tower, has a violent history of execution and torture that spans over 900 years. It was built in 1078 by William the Conqueror and is home to the Crown Jewels. 

There have been many paranormal reports over the years, the most famous being the ghost of Anne Boleyn, the wife of King Henry VIII, who was beheaded in 1536. Other reports of paranormal activity include full-bodied apparitions of many ghosts, including Lady Jane Grey and two child princes who have been seen in many rooms of the castle.

Island of the Dolls, Mexico

Image Credit: Px-lga, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Many people find dolls creepy, and if you’re one of them, skip this one. The Island of the Dolls is one of the creepiest and strangest haunted locations in the world. Julian Santan Barrera moved to the island during the 1950s. The legend says that during the 1920s, three young girls were playing near the water when one fell in and drowned. Locals say the girls’ spirit has haunted the island ever since.

Julian said that the girl began talking to him as soon as he moved to the island and he got dolls for her to play with. At some point, Julian told his nephew that he couldn’t provide enough dolls for the child and was worried she wanted him to join her permanently. Later that same day, the nephew visited the island and found his uncle face down in the water, in the same spot where the child had drowned. Today, visitors to the island claim the doll’s eyes follow them. Others have reported the dolls whispering to them, especially at night. Julian’s ghost is also believed to haunt the island, along with the ghost of the child.

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