Mud flood - Tartaria Mud Flood Catastrophic Event

22 Mudflooder Beliefs That Will Astonish You

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Curious about the mysterious beliefs of Mudflooders? These theories suggest that an ancient civilization and a catastrophic event, known as the Mudflood, reshaped our world, and that our accepted history is largely fake. They also claim that the evidence is all around us.

1. Ancient Civilizations Buried

Ancient civilizations were buried by a massive mud flood.
Image Credit: Internet Archive Book Images, public domain, via Wikipedia Commons

Mudflooders believe that advanced ancient civilizations were buried by a massive mud flood. They claim that this event wiped out entire cities, which are now hidden beneath layers of earth and debris. They argue that these civilizations were far more advanced than traditionally thought.

2. Hidden Architecture

many buildings have hidden lower levels that were buried by the mud flood.
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

According to Mudflooders, many buildings have hidden lower levels that were buried by the mud flood. They point to windows and doors below ground level as evidence of this hidden architecture. These architectural features suggest that the ground level was once much lower than it is today.

3. Rewritten History

Mudflooders think that history has been rewritten to hide the truth about the mud flood.
Image Credit: WaterArchives.orgWikimedia Commons   CC BY 2.0.

Mudflooders think that history has been rewritten to hide the truth about the mud flood. They believe that historical records and textbooks have been altered to keep this event a secret. This revision of history is thought to be a deliberate effort to conceal past civilizations and their achievements.

4. Advanced Technology Lost

Mudflooders argue that the buried civilizations had advanced technology that was lost after the mud flood.
Image Credit: Țetcu Mircea Rareș ,Wikimedia Commons   CC BY 3.0.

Some Mudflooders argue that the buried civilizations had advanced technology that was lost after the mud flood. They suggest that these ancient people had technology comparable to or even more advanced than what we have today. This lost technology is believed to include energy sources and engineering marvels.

5. Mysterious Artifacts

Mysterious artifacts, mud flooder
Image Credit: Internet archive book image, Public Domain via Wikipedia

Mudflooders point to mysterious artifacts found in unexpected places as proof of their theories. These artifacts, they claim, come from the buried civilizations and are sometimes found during construction or excavation. These findings challenge the conventional timelines and locations of human development.

6. Star Forts

Star Forts
Image Credit: Gaius Cornelius, Wikimedia Commons  CC BY 3.0.

One of the most intriguing beliefs is about star forts, geometric forts found all over the world. Mudflooders believe these forts were built by the advanced civilization and were buried by the mud flood. They argue that the unique design and global presence of these forts indicate a shared, ancient technology.

7. Catastrophic Event

Mudflooders believe the mud flood was a sudden, catastrophic event.
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

Mudflooders believe the mud flood was a sudden, catastrophic event. They argue that it happened relatively recently, within the last few centuries, and had a global impact. The scale of destruction would have been enough to drastically alter the earth’s surface and bury entire cities.

8. Unusual Weather Patterns

Mudflooders think that unusual weather patterns may have triggered the mud flood.
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

Some Mudflooders think that unusual weather patterns may have triggered the mud flood. They suggest that extreme rainfall or melting ice could have caused the massive flow of mud. These weather events could have been precipitated by natural or even human-induced climate changes.

9. Ancient Maps

Tartaria ancient maps
Image Credit: Abraham Ortelius , public domain, via Wikipedia Commons

Mudflooders often refer to ancient maps that show different landscapes. They believe these maps depict the world before the mud flood, showing cities and landforms that no longer exist. These maps are considered crucial evidence for the existence of lost civilizations.

10. Lost Cities

Mudflooders believe many lost cities lie beneath our feet.
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

According to Mudflooders, many lost cities lie beneath our feet. They believe that major cities around the world have hidden lower levels that were buried and forgotten. Urban excavations sometimes reveal structures and artifacts that support these claims.

11. Buildings Repurposed

Mudflooders claim that many historical buildings were repurposed after the mud flood.
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

Mudflooders claim that many historical buildings were repurposed after the mud flood. They argue that what we consider to be old buildings were actually built on top of the buried structures. This theory suggests that many buildings have older, deeper foundations that are not acknowledged in historical records.

12. Global Conspiracy

A man, a puppeteer, controls the crowd with threads. The concept of world conspiracy, world government, manipulation, world control
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Some Mudflooders believe there is a global conspiracy to hide the truth about the mud flood. They suggest that governments and institutions are involved in covering up this part of history. This conspiracy is thought to protect powerful interests that benefit from the current historical narrative.

13. Evidence in Plain Sight

Mudflooders argue that evidence of the mud flood is in plain sight, but we are taught to ignore it.
Image Credit: Unknown author, public domain, via Wikipedia Commons

Mudflooders argue that evidence of the mud flood is in plain sight, but we are taught to ignore it. They encourage looking at buildings, maps, and artifacts with a new perspective to see the hidden history. This reevaluation can reveal inconsistencies and anomalies in our understanding of history.

14. Subterranean Networks

Mud flooders believe in extensive subterranean networks created by the buried civilizations.
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

They also believe in extensive subterranean networks created by the buried civilizations. These networks, they claim, include tunnels, bunkers, and entire underground cities. These underground structures are seen as a testament to the advanced engineering skills of the ancient civilizations.

15. Architectural Anomalies

Mudflooders point to architectural anomalies as proof of their beliefs.
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

Mudflooders point to architectural anomalies as proof of their beliefs. They highlight inconsistencies in building styles and construction techniques as evidence of the mud flood. These anomalies suggest a sudden and dramatic change in the way structures were built.

16. Geological Evidence

Mudflooders look to geological evidence to support their theories.
Image Credit: High Contrast, Wikimedia Commons   CC BY 3.0.

Some Mudflooders look to geological evidence to support their theories. They point to layers of mud and sediment found in various parts of the world as proof of the global catastrophe. These geological layers are thought to correlate with the timing of the supposed mud flood event.

17. Technology Suppression

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

They believe that modern technology is suppressed to prevent us from rediscovering the advanced technology of the buried civilizations. This suppression is part of the conspiracy to keep the mud flood a secret. If uncovered, this technology could revolutionize energy, transportation, and construction.

18. Awakening Movement

Mudflooders see themselves as part of an awakening movement, seeking to uncover the true history of our world.
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

Mudflooders see themselves as part of an awakening movement, seeking to uncover the true history of our world. They encourage others to question historical narratives and explore the evidence for themselves. This movement aims to bring to light the hidden truths of our past and inspire further investigation.

19. Photographic Evidence

Mudflooders often cite old photographs that show buildings partially buried or with unusual ground levels.
Image Credit: MusikAnimal, Wikimedia Commons   CC BY 4.0.

Mudflooders often cite old photographs that show buildings partially buried or with unusual ground levels. These images, they argue, are visual proof of the mud flood’s impact and the hidden history beneath our feet. Such photographs are seen as undeniable records of a forgotten past.

20. Forgotten Technologies

Mudflooders believe that technologies like free energy devices were common in the buried civilizations.
Image Credit: Vyacheslav Bukharov, Wikimedia Commons   CC BY 4.0.

They believe that technologies like free energy devices were common in the buried civilizations. According to Mudflooders, these technologies were deliberately forgotten or suppressed after the mud flood to control resources and power. Rediscovering these technologies could potentially solve many modern problems.

21. Historical Inconsistencies

Mudflooders often point out inconsistencies in historical timelines and records.
Image Credit: Daderot, public domain, via Wikipedia Commons

Mudflooders often point out inconsistencies in historical timelines and records. They argue that these discrepancies are evidence of the mud flood and the subsequent rewriting of history to hide the truth. These inconsistencies challenge the accepted chronology of human events and developments.

22. Worldwide Phenomenon

Mudflooders believe the mud flood was a global event
Image Credit: KatyKreates via MidJourney

Mudflooders believe the mud flood was a global event, not confined to any single region. They suggest that evidence of this catastrophe can be found all over the world, from Europe to Asia to the Americas. This belief unites various pieces of evidence into a comprehensive, though controversial, theory.

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