18 Things You Should Never Flush Down the Toilet (Trust Me, You’ll Thank Yourself Later)

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After years of dealing with clogged pipes and frustrated homeowners, let me tell you—your toilet is not a magic trash can. It’s great at handling what it’s designed for, but start flushing the wrong stuff, and you’re asking for a world of hurt. So, if you want to keep your plumbing in tip-top shape, there are some things you should never, ever flush.

Over the years, I’ve seen it all—people flushing things down the toilet that have no business being anywhere near your pipes. You can save yourself a ton of trouble (and money) by keeping a few simple rules in mind. So, let’s get into what should stay far away from your toilet.


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Look, I get it—saying goodbye to a pet is tough, but flushing a goldfish down the toilet isn’t the peaceful farewell you might think it is. Instead of being ‘set free,’ that poor fish is likely meeting an untimely end thanks to the chemicals in the water.

And if you’re thinking of releasing it into a pond or lake, don’t. In some places, like Minnesota, goldfish have become invasive pests, growing to ridiculous sizes and damaging local ecosystems. Do your goldfish a favor and find a better way to say goodbye.

Chewing Tobacco

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Chewing tobacco is a sticky mess that has no business in your toilet. It can create a sludge-like buildup in your pipes that’s tough to clear out. Save yourself the trouble and toss it in the trash. And perhaps give up this gross, cancer-causing habit altogether?

Disposable Diapers

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I can’t stress this enough—disposable diapers and toilets do not mix. They’re designed to absorb, not dissolve, so flushing them is just asking for trouble. They can easily cause severe blockages that usually require a professional to fix. Save yourself the hassle and use a diaper pail or another disposal method instead.

Bandages and Gauze

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Bandages and gauze might be small, but they can cause big problems in your plumbing. These materials don’t dissolve easily and can combine with other debris to create a nasty clog. It’s best to wrap them up and throw them in the trash where they belong.


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When it comes to condoms, flushing them might seem like the quickest way to get rid of them, but it’s a bad move. Latex doesn’t break down in water, and those rubbery little guys can cause major clogs. Throw them in the trash to keep your pipes happy.

Cat Litter

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Even if the bag says “flushable,” don’t fall for it. Cat litter is one of the worst things you can put in your toilet. It doesn’t dissolve and has a nasty habit of sticking around in your pipes, just waiting to cause a clog. If cleaning out the litter box is an issue, keep a stash of disposable bags nearby to make it easier, but whatever you do, keep that litter out of the toilet.


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Flushing old or unwanted pills might seem like a quick fix, but it’s a bad idea. Those chemicals can end up in our water supply, causing environmental damage. Instead, look for a local medicine take-back program, or crush the pills and toss them in the trash.


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Gum is notorious for sticking to just about anything, and your pipes are no exception. Water doesn’t break it down, so it’ll just hang out in your plumbing, causing potential clogs. Spit it out in the trash instead.

Wipes (Even the “Flushable” Ones)

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I’ve seen countless people fall for the “flushable” label on wipes, but trust me—they’re anything but. These wipes don’t break down like toilet paper does and can lead to serious clogs in your pipes. Do your plumbing a favor and throw them in the trash instead.

Anything Made of Cotton

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Cotton balls, cotton swabs, and Q-tips are all major culprits when it comes to clogs. They absorb water like nobody’s business, but they don’t break down easily. Once they’re in your pipes, they can cause a blockage that’s tricky to clear. Toss them in the trash instead of flushing them.

Cooking Grease

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You wouldn’t pour grease down your kitchen sink (I hope), so don’t think your toilet is a safe alternative either. When hot grease cools, it solidifies, and that’s when the trouble starts. It’ll cling to your pipes and start catching other debris, leading to some pretty stubborn clogs. Trust me, once that happens, you’ll wish you’d just tossed it in the trash.


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Whether it’s leftovers, bones, or shells, food doesn’t belong in your toilet. Even if it’s soft, it can still cause problems in your pipes or your garbage disposal. Compost what you can and toss the rest in the trash. And remember, there are plenty of things you shouldn’t put in the garbage disposal either!


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When you clean out the drain in your shower or sink, don’t be tempted to flush that hair down the toilet. Hair is already a leading cause of clogs, and flushing it just moves the problem from one place to another. Toss it in the trash, and you’ll save yourself a headache down the line.

And if your shower drain is already clogged, here’s how to tackle that problem effectively.


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It might seem convenient, but flushing tampons is a big no-no. They’re designed to expand and can easily create a blockage in your pipes. Even if they make it past your toilet, they can cause issues further down the line in the plumbing system. The trash can is always the better option.

Dental Floss

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Floss might seem harmless, but don’t let its small size fool you. It doesn’t dissolve in water and can easily tangle with other debris to create a bigger, more stubborn clog. Keep your plumbing clear by throwing floss in the trash.

On a side note, an old toothbrush can be repurposed for all kinds of handy cleaning tasks around the house—don’t toss it!


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Bleach is great for cleaning, but not for your toilet. Pouring it down the drain can cause some nasty chemical reactions, especially if it mixes with other substances in your pipes. Those reactions can release dangerous fumes or even cause clogs. If you want to extend the life of your toilet, stick to safer cleaning methods.


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Whether it’s a Band-Aid or some packaging material, plastic has no place in your toilet. It doesn’t dissolve and can cause all sorts of problems if it gets stuck in your pipes. Do yourself a favor and dispose of plastic in the trash.

Tissues and Paper Towels

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I know they look like toilet paper, but tissues and paper towels are a completely different beast. They’re made to be tougher and don’t break down nearly as easily as toilet paper does. That means they can cause some serious blockages in your toilet, your septic system, and even at the water treatment plant. Keep them out of the toilet, and you’ll avoid a lot of unnecessary headaches.

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I'm Danny, a home maintenance pro who loves to write about some of the weird, wacky, and downright dangerous things I've seen in all my years on the job. And I enjoy helping folks avoid making costly mistakes with simple home maintenance tips and hacks.

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