12 Unusual Rules Members of Royal Families Must Follow

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Ever wondered what it’s like to be a member of a royal family? While it may seem glamorous, royals have to follow some pretty strict and unusual rules.

These rules might seem strict or unusual, but they are part of what it means to live a royal life. They help maintain the dignity, safety, and continuity of royal families across the globe.

Always Travel With Black Clothes

Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

When royals travel, they must pack a black outfit. This rule ensures they have appropriate mourning attire if a family member dies while they are away. This practice became widely known after Queen Elizabeth II had to wait for a black dress to be delivered before she could disembark her plane upon her father’s death.

No Shellfish Allowed

Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

To avoid the risk of food poisoning, royals are discouraged from eating shellfish. This rule is particularly strict during official events and travels. The reasoning behind it is simple: shellfish is more likely to cause allergic reactions and food-borne illnesses than other foods.

Heirs Must Fly Separately

Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

To protect the line of succession, direct heirs to the throne should not travel together. This rule is meant to ensure the continuity of the monarchy in case of a tragic accident. For instance, Prince William and Prince George are advised to fly separately whenever possible.

Marriage Approval Required

Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

Royals must get the reigning monarch’s permission to marry. This rule helps maintain the integrity and reputation of the royal family. For example, Queen Elizabeth II had to approve Prince Harry’s marriage to Meghan Markle.

No Voting

Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

Members of the British royal family, including the Queen, do not vote in elections. This is to maintain political neutrality and ensure that the monarchy remains above politics. While there is no law explicitly prohibiting them from voting, it is a long-standing convention that they do not participate in elections to avoid influencing political outcomes.

Minimal PDA

Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

Public displays of affection (PDA) are generally discouraged for royals. This rule aims to maintain their decorum and public image. For example, you’ll rarely see royal couples holding hands or kissing in public.

No Monopoly Allowed

Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

In a quirky rule, the British royal family is reportedly banned from playing Monopoly. The game is said to become too competitive and cutthroat, leading to family disputes. This rule might be more about keeping the peace during family gatherings than anything else.

Must Speak Multiple Languages

Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

Royals are often required to learn multiple languages. This skill is crucial for international diplomacy and engagements. For example, Prince William speaks several languages, including French and Welsh.

Official Bedtimes

Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

There are times when even adults must follow a strict bedtime. During extended family events, no one is supposed to go to bed before the Queen. This rule shows respect for the monarch and unity within the family.

Specific Table Manners

Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

Dining with the royal family comes with a set of strict table manners. For instance, once the monarch finishes eating, everyone else must stop eating as well. This rule keeps meals orderly and respectful of the monarch’s presence.

Controlled Hair and Makeup

Image Source: Shutterstock

Royal women often follow specific guidelines for hair and makeup. These guidelines ensure they always look polished and appropriate for public appearances. For example, natural makeup and neat hairstyles are usually preferred.

Travel Restrictions During Pregnancy

Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

Pregnant royals have restrictions on travel, especially as they get closer to their due date. This rule is for their safety and the baby’s health. It also ensures they are near trusted medical professionals if needed.

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