12 Terrifying Real-Life Cases of People Being Buried Alive

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I don’t have a lot of fears. Sharks, snakes, and spiders don’t bother me. But there is one thing I have been terrified of since I was a child — being buried alive.

I can watch a horror movie with the best of them, but why does every TV series seem to have a buried alive episode?

It’s the stuff of nightmares, a scenario that combines fear, helplessness, and an agonizing death. Yet, throughout history, this terrifying fate has been more than just a horror story. Whether through tragic mistakes, malicious intent, or extraordinary circumstances, real people have found themselves trapped in coffins or graves, left to suffocate in the dark.

Thankfully, it’s not a fate that many have shared — that we know of!

The Shocking Survival of Philomèle Jonetre

The Shocking Survival of Philomèle Jonetre
Image Credit: Antoine Wiertz, CCO via Wikimedia Commons

In 1889, Frenchwoman Philomèle Jonetre contracted cholera and was declared dead. However, her body was exhumed later due to suspicious family members, who noticed she had shifted in her coffin. Upon opening it, they found evidence she had tried to escape, leaving scratch marks on the wood. Her case became a well-known example of how cholera could induce a death-like state.

The Horrors of Octavia Smith Hatcher

The Horrors of Octavia Smith Hatcher
Image Credit: YuriArcurs via Canva.

Octavia Smith Hatcher of Kentucky suffered from depression after her infant son’s death in 1891. Soon after, she fell ill and slipped into a coma, later pronounced dead. However, shortly after her burial, other locals began suffering from a similar illness, only to recover later. Realizing Octavia might have been buried alive, her husband exhumed her, only to discover that she had indeed tried to claw her way out of the coffin.

The Gruesome Case of Essie Dunbar

The Gruesome Case of Essie Dunbar
Image Credit: laartist via Canva.

Essie Dunbar, a South Carolina woman, was declared dead in 1915 after an epileptic seizure. She was buried, but her sister, who arrived late to the funeral, demanded to see her one last time. When the coffin was opened, Essie sat up, very much alive, to the horror of the gathered mourners. She went on to live another 47 years after her premature burial.

The Astonishing Survival of Angelo Hays

The Astonishing Survival of Angelo Hays
Image Credit: Osobytist via Canva.

In 1937, a young Frenchman named Angelo Hays was involved in a motorcycle accident and was pronounced dead. He was buried, but his parents, suspicious of the hurried burial, requested his exhumation three days later. Shockingly, Hays was still alive, having fallen into a deep coma rather than dying. He went on to fully recover and became a minor celebrity, even inventing a security coffin to prevent similar tragedies.

The Disturbing Case of Stephen B. Small

The Disturbing Case of Stephen B. Small
Image Credit: Silvia Jansen via Canva.

In 1987, businessman Stephen Small from Illinois was kidnapped and buried alive in a coffin with a small air tube as part of a ransom plot. Unfortunately, the makeshift ventilation failed, and Small suffocated before he could be rescued. His tragic death led to changes in how such crimes were handled by law enforcement.

The Haunting Story of Pompeii Victims

The Haunting Story of Pompeii Victims
Image Credit: edella via Canva.

The ancient city of Pompeii was destroyed in 79 AD by a volcanic eruption. Many of its citizens were buried alive by ash and pumice that rained down upon them. Excavations have revealed horrifying scenes of people frozen in their final moments, some with their hands covering their faces or reaching out, as they were overwhelmed by the volcanic debris.

The Horrifying Death of Sarah Ann Henley

The Horrifying Death of Sarah Ann Henley
Image Credit: portishead1 via Canva

Sarah Ann Henley from Bristol, England, fell from a bridge in 1885, but instead of dying, she landed on the mud below, unconscious. Thought to be dead, she was taken to the morgue. However, morgue attendants noticed her eyelids twitch, and she was revived. This close call saved her from being buried alive, and she lived for several decades after.

The Tragic Fate of Lawrence Cawthorn

The Tragic Fate of Lawrence Cawthorn
Image Credit: michellegibson via Canva.

Lawrence Cawthorn, a London butcher, fell seriously ill and was hastily declared dead by his landlady, who was eager to inherit his possessions. He was buried in a nearby chapel, but mourners soon heard muffled screams coming from his grave. By the time they managed to exhume him, he had died from suffocation. This tragic case became a cautionary tale about the dangers of premature burial in 17th-century England.

The Chilling Discovery of Mrs. Boger

Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

In Whitehaven, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Boger was declared dead and buried quickly. Her husband later learned that she had suffered from hysteria in the past and began to fear that she might not have been dead when buried. When the coffin was exhumed, it was discovered that Mrs. Boger had turned over in her coffin and had tried to escape, with signs of intense struggle evident on her body. This case became a haunting example of premature burial​.

Mina El Houari’s Final Date

Mina El Houari’s Final Date
Image Credit: glennimage via Canva.

Mina El Houari, a French woman, was buried alive in Morocco after collapsing into a diabetic coma during a date. Her date, mistakenly believing she had died, buried her in his garden. Days later, authorities found her body after her family reported her missing. The man was charged with manslaughter after the discovery of her horrific fate​.

Mr. Cornish’s Desperate Struggle

Mr. Cornish’s Desperate Struggle
Image Credit: ozerkebab via Canva.

Mr. Cornish, the mayor of Bath, England, died of a fever and was quickly buried. However, as the gravedigger was finishing his work, sounds of distress were heard from the grave. Despite efforts to rescue him, it was too late; Cornish had suffocated, his body showing signs of a desperate attempt to escape. This case fueled fears of being buried alive and led to calls for more careful verification of death​.

Jozef Guzy’s Miraculous Escape

Jozef Guzy’s Miraculous Escape
Image Credit: Jovanmandic via Canva.

In Poland, Jozef Guzy, a 76-year-old beekeeper, suffered a heart attack after a bee sting and was declared dead by a doctor. Placed in a coffin, he was nearly buried when a funeral director noticed a pulse while attempting to retrieve some jewelry. Guzy was rushed to the hospital and survived the ordeal. His case is one of the few modern instances where someone was nearly buried alive due to a mistaken death declaration​.

18 Everyday Things Amish Women Aren’t Allowed to Do

close up of a severe looking amish woman
Image Credit: KatyKreates

The Amish culture is known for its simple way of life and adherence to traditional values. While this lifestyle may seem appealing to some, there are certain restrictions that Amish women face that most modern women do not. Take a look at these things that we take for granted that are off-limits to Amish women.

Read More: 18 Everyday Things Amish Women Aren’t Allowed to Do

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Chantile has been obsessed with logic puzzles, jigsaws, and cryptograms since she was a kid. After learning she was taught how to play chess wrong by a family friend (so they could win), she joined her school chess club and the rest is history.

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