12 American Laws That Seem Absolutely Bonkers to Brits

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America is a vast and diverse country, but some of its laws can seem downright bizarre—especially to our friends across the pond. While every nation has its quirks, certain regulations in the U.S. can leave Brits scratching their heads. Whether these laws were born out of historical oddities or regional nuances, they certainly stand out as puzzling. Let’s explore some of the strangest American laws that are sure to make Brits do a double-take!

1. No Ice Cream Cones in Pockets in Kentucky

Image Credit: The Puzzlarium.

In Kentucky, it’s illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your pocket. This bizarre law supposedly dates back to horse theft prevention. Thieves would use ice cream to lure horses away without technically “stealing” them, so this law was put in place to close that loophole. It’s hard to imagine anyone doing that today, though!

2. You Can’t Hold a Public Office If You’ve Been in a Duel in Tennessee

Image Credit: Unsplash+.

In Tennessee, anyone who’s ever participated in a duel is banned from holding public office. While dueling feels like something from a bygone era, this law is still technically on the books. It’s a strange leftover from a time when settling disagreements with pistols was much more common than it is now.

3. It’s Illegal to Whistle Underwater in Vermont

Image Credit: The Puzzlarium.

Yes, you read that right. In Vermont, it’s illegal to whistle underwater. This peculiar regulation is one that’s left many scratching their heads, as it seems impossible to enforce—let alone accomplish! It’s likely more symbolic than practical, but it still stands as one of the oddest laws around.

4. Wisconsin Bans Butter Substitutes in Restaurants

In Wisconsin, known as the “Dairy State,” restaurants must serve real butter unless the customer specifically asks for a substitute like margarine. This law reflects the state’s deep-rooted connection to its dairy industry. To Brits, this might seem a bit excessive, but in Wisconsin, butter is serious business.

5. Don’t Drive Blindfolded in Alabama

Image Credit: The Puzzlarium.

It might seem obvious, but Alabama has a law that specifically prohibits driving while blindfolded. While it’s hard to believe anyone would attempt this, the law exists as a precaution. It’s a head-scratcher for sure, but safety first, right?

6. It’s Illegal to Serve Apple Pie Without Cheese in Wisconsin

Image Credit: The Puzzlarium.

Another cheese-related law from Wisconsin requires that apple pie be served with a slice of cheese in restaurants. This tradition, while strange to Brits, reflects a regional pairing of sweet and savory that locals swear by. While this law may not be strictly enforced, it’s a reminder of Wisconsin’s love for cheese.

7. Missouri Makes It Illegal to Drive with an Uncaged Bear

Image Credit: The Puzzlarium.

In Missouri, it’s against the law to drive with an uncaged bear in your vehicle. Though the situation seems far-fetched, Missouri once had a large bear population, and this law may have been created for safety reasons. These days, it’s mostly an odd relic from the past.

8. No Billboards Allowed in Hawaii

Image Credit: The Puzzlarium.

In Hawaii, it’s illegal to have billboards. The state’s ban on outdoor advertising is meant to preserve its natural beauty. Brits might find this law intriguing, as billboards are common in the UK. It’s an effort to keep the islands looking pristine for both residents and visitors.

9. You Need a Permit to Wear High Heels in Carmel, California

Image Credit: The Puzzlarium.

In Carmel, California, you need a permit to wear high heels higher than two inches. This quirky law was originally intended to prevent lawsuits over tripping accidents on uneven pavement. Although it’s not strictly enforced today, it’s still a good excuse to go for flats when visiting!

10. No Fake Mustaches in Church in Alabama

Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

In Alabama, it’s technically illegal to wear a fake mustache in church if it causes laughter. The reasoning? It might disrupt the service. While it’s unlikely to be enforced today, it’s a lighthearted law that highlights the sometimes strange lengths legal systems can go to maintain order.

11. It’s Illegal to Wrestle a Bear in Alabama

Image Credit: The Puzzlarium.

Alabama is back with a law that bans bear wrestling. This was actually put in place to protect the bears from being exploited in organized matches. To Brits, this may sound completely outlandish, but bear wrestling was once a form of entertainment in certain areas.

12. You Can’t Sell a Dog’s Hair in Delaware

Image Credit: The Puzzlarium.

In Delaware, it’s illegal to sell dog hair. This odd law seems particularly niche, but it might stem from concerns about animal cruelty or cleanliness. While Brits might never imagine needing such a rule, it’s a quirky legal detail that keeps Delaware’s dog grooming market in check.

16 American Foods Brits Can’t Stand

Image Credit: The Puzzlarium.

Food preferences can vary wildly across cultures, and what’s considered a delicacy in one country might be seen as downright bizarre in another. This cultural divide is particularly evident when comparing American and British cuisines. While the two nations share a common language, their tastes in food can be worlds apart. From overly sweet concoctions to processed cheese products, there are certain American foods that many Brits find hard to stomach.

Read More: 16 American Foods Brits Can’t Stand

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Ellen has been obsessed with logic puzzles, jigsaws, and cryptograms since she was a kid. After learning she was taught how to play chess wrong by a family friend (so they could win), she joined her school chess club and the rest is history.

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