11 Weirdest Animals You Never Knew Existed

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The animal kingdom is full of incredible creatures, each with its own unique features and abilities. From the depths of the ocean to the tops of the trees, there are animals that are so bizarre and fascinating that you might not believe they’re real. Get ready to be amazed by these weird animals you never knew existed!


Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

The aye-aye is a species of lemur native to Madagascar. It has large, bulging eyes, long, spindly fingers, and a bushy tail. The aye-aye is nocturnal and uses its elongated middle finger to tap on trees and locate grubs beneath the bark.


Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Tardigrades, also known as water bears or moss piglets, are microscopic animals that can survive in extreme conditions. They can withstand temperatures from near absolute zero to over 300°F, survive in the vacuum of space, and even endure radiation and dehydration.


Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

The axolotl is a salamander species that retains its larval features throughout its life. It has a wide, smiling face, feathery gills, and the ability to regenerate lost body parts, including its brain. Axolotls are critically endangered in the wild, but are popular pets.


Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

The okapi is a species of giraffid native to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It has a body shape similar to a horse, but with zebra-like stripes on its legs and a long, purple tongue. Okapis are solitary and elusive, making them difficult to study in the wild.

Naked Mole Rat

Naked Mole Rat
Image Credit: TxanTxunai, Wikimedia Commons CC BY 4.0.

Naked mole rats are burrowing rodents native to East Africa. They have wrinkled, pink skin, small eyes, and large front teeth. Naked mole rats live in colonies with a queen, similar to bees or ants, and can survive in low-oxygen environments.


Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

Pangolins are scaly mammals found in Africa and Asia. When threatened, they roll up into a tight ball, protected by their tough scales. Pangolins are the most trafficked mammals in the world, hunted for their meat and scales, which are used in traditional medicine.

Goblin Shark

goblin shark
Image Credit: Wiki Commons/Public Domain

The goblin shark is a rare, deep-sea shark known for its elongated, flattened snout and protruding jaws. When the shark spots its prey, it can extend its jaws forward to capture it. Goblin sharks are pink in color and can grow up to 12 feet long.


Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

The hoatzin is a tropical bird found in the Amazon rainforest. It has a spiky crest, blue face, and red eyes. Baby hoatzins have claws on their wings, which they use to climb trees until they are able to fly.

Saiga Antelope

Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

The saiga antelope is a critically endangered species found in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Russia. It has a large, bulbous nose that filters dust and warms cold air before it reaches the lungs. Saiga antelopes are known for their massive migrations, traveling up to 1,000 miles in a single season.


Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The blobfish is a deep-sea fish that looks like a gelatinous blob. It has a density slightly less than water, allowing it to float above the seafloor without expending energy. Blobfish are often caught as bycatch in deep-sea fishing nets, and their populations are declining.

Thorny Devil

thorny devil lizard
Image Credit: KatyKreates via Midjourney.

The thorny devil is a lizard native to Australia. It is covered in spiky scales and has a false head on its back to confuse predators. The thorny devil collects moisture from any part of its body and channels it to its mouth, allowing it to survive in the dry Australian desert.

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Ellen has been obsessed with logic puzzles, jigsaws, and cryptograms since she was a kid. After learning she was taught how to play chess wrong by a family friend (so they could win), she joined her school chess club and the rest is history.

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